Monday, August 3, 2009

System.Data.OracleClient requires Oracle client software version 8.1.7 or greater.


When doing data migration you may get the following error. Following message may be displayed on the console.
Migrating data...
Analyzing metadata...
Preparing data migration package...
Starting data migration agent...
Starting data migration...
Exception during processing: System.Data.OracleClient requires Oracle client software version 8.1.7 or greater.
Data migration complete.
0 table(s) successfully migrated.
0 table(s) partially migrated.
1 table(s) failed to migrate.


This error may be caused due to one the following reasons:
a) Oracle client provider is not installed on the sql server, you are trying to connect.

b) SSMA Extension Pack is not installed on SQL Server

c) Oracle Client may not be accessible to the DataMigrator utility from Extension Pack. This utility is started with the same account used to run SQL Agent.


SSMA Data Migrator needs Oracle client provider installed on the SQL Server machine to perform data migration. When it does not find Oracle Client provider it gives this error.

1. Install the Oracle Client provider on your sql server and verify data migration.

2. Cross check Extension pack is installed on your sql server machine

3. Oracle Client may not be accessible to the BCPDataMigrator utility from Extension Pack. This utility is started with the same account used to run SQL Agent. Make sure this account has access to the Oracle client folder and it’s contents.

More Information

Article Id: KBO2SS1001

Applies to

SSMA 2005 for Oracle

SSMA 2008 for Oracle

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